First Official Entry

This is a picture from the World Championships in Montreal. It alsmost seems like a lifetime ago, but it really was only last summer! Old news for most, but we came tenth because somewhere along the line we stupidly lost to Germany. We played well after that, but not well enough to recover the damage we had created. More pictures can be found HERE. so that was to try pout the whole picture thing.
Right now I'm back in Hawaii, getting my "normal" life back on the road, going back to class. My first class was immediately a very memorable one: I'm in an introduction to figure drawing art class and am having the time of my life! We have a nude male model (about 60 so don't go al freeky on me :p)
After about half an hour of doing different short poses and our class drawing as if their life depended on itwe get to move one to longer poses. The first 10 minutes or so were fine, but then all of a sudden he started jerking his body. We were like WTbleep? Seeing as he can't sit still properly anymore and started sweating profusely we suggest he takes a break which he does. No problem! then he gets back on his chair and we all resume work untill he starts jerking again and he just drops off his chair!? EEks! Stark naked guy of about 60 lying on your art room floor alert! Most people had their cell phones in thier hands ready to dial 911 but he moved. Our teacher took a while to notice even (he gets really absorbed in his explanations and even managed to mumble a gorl to sleep the other day (she just passed out on her drawing board)) but eventually asked him if he was okay, because what else can you do? He took another break and got back on the chair. Everything was fine thereafter,we reckong he had an epileptic attck or something or maybe a minor heart attack, but everytime he sighs deeply I think he's gonna drop of that chair again!
Sundays they have a different model each week and you can pay 4 dollars to draw all day. Seeing as I needed to catch up some missed work I decided to go the fist possible sunday and I happily overdosed on art! I was in there from 9:30 to 12 had luch and another session form 1 to 3 that was when I started mucking things up so I went home. We had a swedish girl/lady as a model and she was really thin, very nice for bone structures and such (our guy is slightly overweight). She was a fashion model who had only recently decided to model for artisits because she though it added to her job and she found it realy intersting to see how everyone portrayed her! Well I can totally agree with her! I even thought I might try it sometime as the Lady who had organised this suggested that I could model too :) What a great comliment! But seeing as I'm a student athlete on a scholarship I'm not allowed to do such rambunctious things. I signed a contract for that. Darn!
Earlier this week I handed in my rough draft for a Descriptive essay for my english class because I came in two weeks late and needed to catch up. (yes, I need to take an english essay writing class because this is an American university and they don't care what you learnt in IB but find they need ot reeductae you.) This resulted in my not having to do another draft, how's that. She declared me a pretty strong writer. Huh?!
Well seeing as it is almost 8in the morning I reckon I should start my day (my roommmate went to practice this morning but I have opted out seeing as I needed some more time after having played all summer I went in twice.. once too loosen up and once because I didn't think it fair to the other goalies to leave them with all the hours (we spread them between us as there are individual practice times) so.. where was I.. right. Work!
Heej Meik!!
Leuk om weer wat van je te horen en leuke site!! Echt leuk idee van je om dit te doen:D:D Komen we wat meer te weten over je leventje in hawaii!!;) Haha wat een verhaal over die ouwe vent als model.. gelukkig hebben ze dat hier neit, niet waar ik op school zit tenminste,haha! Ik al weer begonnen met trainen idd en het gaat echt SUPER goed! Best eng eignelijk;) geen pijn in me knie en me elleboog gaat ook super mooi dus! Van 1 brace nu af, op naar de volgende! JIj ligt nu lekker te slapen en ik ben al weer klar met school enz. wel grappig! Spreek je snel op msn,
-XxX- Ilse
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