Monday, December 11, 2006

Waterpolo, A Way Of Life

Back in the Dutch team after a break of one season: Maike de Nooy. Foto: Wolfgang Philipps
p.s. that picture os from World Champs in motreal... and they managed to spell my name wrong.

Nou that would be the understatement of the year (looks up at the title). I think it must be some kind of addiction, like smoking: you stop overindulging or you quit altogether but all you need is someone to offer you the bloody thing and dangle it in front of your nose to become totally submersedagain and to endulge like never before. I think in proper psychological terms it is called priming.

So yeah, a whole bunch of you figured out the reason for my silence. I hounestly didn't have time although the internet connection wasn't that good an excuse this time because the ones in L.A. hotels work fine!

Yeah, I'm in L.A. I'm playing the Holiday cup with my national team, or at least, we just finished. The National team coach decided to ask me back about 3 weeks ago? For possibly the World Championships in March and in any case the Olympic year after that (don't get too excited we still need to qualify). When I said yes without too much thought and a little hesitation because what the hell was I doing, would my knees last and could I fix it all with school, he immediately asked if I could make it to the Holiday cup as well. Well, I said no at first because I have exam week... now. But here I am!

So sorry for this short update, I felt I needed to, but as I spent most of this week sick and feverish as well and decided to get in and prove myself anyway, I didn't get around to studying for my biopsychology test tomorrow morning much so I will go do that now. Somebody have a smart brain I can borrow? Mine obviously is a bit daft at the moment.

for those who read Dutch and want an update on the games:
for those who read English (as well) and want to be interested:

Quote: "Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem." -Henry Kissinger


Blogger DvB said...

Go Meike!!!


Happy you get a chance to perhaps go to the olympics again. Go have fun at training!


(Pardon my French :P)

- Dirk

12/12/2006 9:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heeej meik!!

Nog steeds in La? Of alweer terug naar hawaii?? Vind het echt vet dat je er weer bij bent:( wel balen dat ik moet wachten tot maart of juni ofzow voordat ik je weer zie terwijl de rest alweer 2weekjes heeft doorgebracht! Wij 2e geworden met Brandenburg, en nu vet zware poule geloot met florentina en domino... leuk dus;) maar wel naar nice dus daar moeten we dan maar van genieten! Hoop je snel weer te spreken/tegen te komen!

Liefs Ilse

12/13/2006 10:57 am  

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