French Acrobatics

top left to bottom right: Amy, Juliana, Me, Steve

from left to right: Alyssa, Me, Sara, Amy, Juliana
This was friday!!
It was loads of fun, we hung out in our room because we had nothing better to do, played around with the camera, talked a little, entertained two drunk guys that hung out in our doorway who were supposed to meet up with friends but were now drinking chardonne from a plastic bag (they came to ask for cups)
My Saturday is known, today was my typical SundayI couldn't be bothered to get dressed, hung out in my room, did a little homework, checked up on all my internet stuff and then decided to go buy some dishcloth, because towels don't work very well on cutlery, plates and cups. So I cycled to WalMart (for those who never heard of it: this is the most humoungus store where they have everything from camera's to bedspreads to bicycles to food, clothes and games and just everything!) so I found some dish cloth, a new toothbrush, because the other one I had had seemingly taken on a life of it's own and will stay one of life's little mysteries and some other stuff.
Went back to the dorm and decided with amy that we would go to Ala Moana Beach after she was finished working. Out there we went for a swim and were quiet impressed by a bunch of guys piling up in the water (acrobatics) they only couldn't get the third guy to stand up and still on the third level.
Can you guess? well me and my big mouth decided to make a comment and so they told me to try instead? it took a few tries, but I got up and I stood! Way Cool! Only when I looked down I was like uh-oh! that's when we crashed. I was really excited I made it up there and they were really excited that they had accomplished their pyramid. So that was my encounter with the french guys I made friends instantly because I could pronounce all their names 'en francais' :)Amy sadly had to go because she had another appointment but they invited me to come out to some other beach where all these people got together to practice these kind of things. There were fire blowers, more acrobats, people that juggled all sorts of things, swords, sticks, ropes. Lots of hippies and intresting poeple! Really amazing and no-one though it wierd if you couldn't do anything and was willing to show you how! Joost, you would have loved it! It is supposedly every week and the french guys (the ones we met at Ala Moana and made a pyramid with) are there every Sunday too, so I should go hang out! too bad I had to go home so soon! the sunset at the beach was breathtaking, when I have my camera...
Somewhere in between all this we met some other random people who spontanuously asked uo sot join their BBQ and had a piece of watermelon which was sliced with a huge sword (very entertaining) and a glass of beer.. hmmm... cold beer!
On the way back I slightly lost my way. I also still dont have a light! I suppose that is the way to learn my way around town! I ran into Katy and Robin, both on my team, who tried to explain the way home to me, and who laughed at the funny dutchy that takes her bicycle everywhere!
Don't worry I made it!
Wel then;
Amy needs to do homework behind the computer and I need to write out some chemistry.
Big hug for everyone who made the effort to read my blog! LOL *HUGZ*
Music for today: Jack Johnson, Better Together
Heej Meik,
haha wat een avonturen toch weer:D maar echt cool man met die pyriamide:P owkeej dit schrijf ik beetje vaag hah maarja tis ook al weer laat! GIster vet goed gespeeld tegen psv en maar 1 bal doorgelaten:) yeah me is happy! Gewonnen uiteindelijk met 8-2 laatste 2.45 sharissa der in. Hoop je snel weer te spreken om ffies bij te kletsen;) and yes I know walmarkt from oprah:P hahaha lijkt me wel gaaf zoon winkel ze hebben der ook badmutsen toch? ;) haha no9uja ik ga der nu echt vandoor ben helemaal kapot!!
eej mike ;) sounds like a lot o fun indeed....especially the "fire blowers" (fire breathing I hope?) cuz blowing fire is like blowin out a candle :P and those "intresting poeple" sounds really interesting :P ;) Jack Johnson!!! yeah!....oh sorry...I got a bit taken away I guess...luv ya! mzl
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