Update from the other side of the Ocean
what ocean.. well you know that bunch.. ;)
I know I promised pictures of my room and so on and so forth but I finally found some cheap furniture that I need to find somebody with a car for to get but I want to put it in there and then you can see all you like! So hold your horses!
Am living with a Romanian girl that I met before I went back home! Rather talkative (sometimes a little too much) and finishing her MA in business. I think she is very intelligent but she doesn't think so, it's kinda funny. She's tiny and does not do sports and then I mean: does not do sports! so nice! haha!
Life here is good, I had a great weekend for starters, went on a hike with Lisa to the mauna wili falls, played in the far falls and jumped from the high rock that is protruding above the front one. Actually there were a lot of people jumping, even from the higer ones and these are over 13m, I'm not going off of those, 10 is plenty for me!
Upon return I dropped by campus because there was a Kava fest. Lots of booths, of course lots of hippies, Kava samples (tastes like wet earth and makes your mouth go numb and supposedly makes you mellow without influencing your senses.. hmmm) Met up with Maxi and Kelly there and walked around for a while.
After the hike we (my roommate and I) went to Takuya (pronounce takwieja) one of our friends and he made us and some other folks dinner, really nice and laid back... we brought some fruit for dessert. Sunday was homework day however made dinner for some of my global cafe friends who I found I didnlt get to sepnd so much time with as everybody seems to be busy all the time! So fun! I just made pasta, but my roommate for one thinks I am the most amazing cook because I'm making her curry that she likes and am cooking with fresh herbs that she despises! LOL but she is eating more than she usually does! The other two: Adi (Indian boy) who has a permanent smile on his face and wiggles his head while he waves his hand speaking with a beatiful British Indian accent! And there is Alexey, very cool boy from Russia who is a little quieter but so nice to have around! Neways, we had fun, cracked a lot of stupid jokes and they brought a very good desert of caramel cake with additional ice cream that my roommate had stored in the freezer :D Then takuya who had barrowed my moped (ohja, I bought a moped!) came ot bring it back so he crashed for a little icecream too...
Am taking life painting which is hard! 6 sessions per model or so and oil paints! definitely a new experience! then I managed to leave my brushs in there and when I went back for them they were gone. Not sure where I took them out of my bag but put some signs up asking for people to phone me if they found them but I guess they are just lost... thankgod I left some at home so I have some backup ones... just the bad ones :S. Then I also carried around some red oil paint (which we needed to buy for the base of the painting. Very beautiful colour but not when it covers the inside of your bag and books and keys and everything) Ugh! Been waiting for over a week no to get it to dry properly! It defnintely dries faster on canvas!
Oh, Friday was the homecoming game for the volleyball girls so there was some reggae music and some tents with rando stuff to do, so we hung out on the grass and played with a turtle Kelly was babysitting... then we went to the basketball game where our freshmen had to do their initiation and do a cheer during break and a whole bunch of missions in the stadium: good fun! Then went over to Maxi and Kelly for (a bit too muchof) a drink...
Otherwise I have been re-experiencing how expensive Hawaii is. Allthough I found some more places to get cheap food, and now that I have a moped I'll go check out all the stores and see if I can get my grapes for a dolar per pound less. I invest in bread and yoghurt, because I'm dutch and cannot do without but seriously!!! $8,50 for 1,5 liters of yoghurt???
I am at the pool three times a week from 6:30 to 8 in the morning and about every afternoon for at least two hours... maye I should cut in that somewhat. Have some more beach time, but I feel bad leaving my 5 goalies to Mo and Mich who really are a little clueless about what to do with a goalie. Plus it is quite fun to be a trainer. I could not have imagined me enjoying this, but it is noce to decide when you get in and when you don't and when you feel like being reaosnable and when you feel like working them hard, and it is the coolest when you can show them they can surpass what they thought they could do... -I'm not that bad, I know what it feels like to swim hard ;)
Oh and BTW.. I found these on my hike but what is it? Ginger? I found a white image that looked a lot like it... and it smelled soooo good! ... All these pictures have bee taken with my new camera, can you tell I'm having fun! There are a lot more pictures I can tell you!
Hope you enjoy! I will try to be back with more soon!
P.S.: Anyone interested to come and join me WWOOFing in Maui this summer?? or something like that...??? common you know you want to!
Music: Alices Rabbit-Running Downhill
Quote: "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." -Albert Einstein
I know I promised pictures of my room and so on and so forth but I finally found some cheap furniture that I need to find somebody with a car for to get but I want to put it in there and then you can see all you like! So hold your horses!
Upon return I dropped by campus because there was a Kava fest. Lots of booths, of course lots of hippies, Kava samples (tastes like wet earth and makes your mouth go numb and supposedly makes you mellow without influencing your senses.. hmmm) Met up with Maxi and Kelly there and walked around for a while.
After the hike we (my roommate and I) went to Takuya (pronounce takwieja) one of our friends and he made us and some other folks dinner, really nice and laid back... we brought some fruit for dessert. Sunday was homework day however made dinner for some of my global cafe friends who I found I didnlt get to sepnd so much time with as everybody seems to be busy all the time! So fun! I just made pasta, but my roommate for one thinks I am the most amazing cook because I'm making her curry that she likes and am cooking with fresh herbs that she despises! LOL but she is eating more than she usually does! The other two: Adi (Indian boy) who has a permanent smile on his face and wiggles his head while he waves his hand speaking with a beatiful British Indian accent! And there is Alexey, very cool boy from Russia who is a little quieter but so nice to have around! Neways, we had fun, cracked a lot of stupid jokes and they brought a very good desert of caramel cake with additional ice cream that my roommate had stored in the freezer :D Then takuya who had barrowed my moped (ohja, I bought a moped!) came ot bring it back so he crashed for a little icecream too...
Otherwise I have been re-experiencing how expensive Hawaii is. Allthough I found some more places to get cheap food, and now that I have a moped I'll go check out all the stores and see if I can get my grapes for a dolar per pound less. I invest in bread and yoghurt, because I'm dutch and cannot do without but seriously!!! $8,50 for 1,5 liters of yoghurt???
Hope you enjoy! I will try to be back with more soon!
P.S.: Anyone interested to come and join me WWOOFing in Maui this summer?? or something like that...??? common you know you want to!
Music: Alices Rabbit-Running Downhill
Quote: "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." -Albert Einstein
Yesterday I was informed that the "Meike" American Express card had been used for something (a camera). And when I wanted to buy a strippenkaart today there was insufficient balance in my bankaccount. Might there be a relation between the two? Fortunately I still had some cash....
By the way, it is very easy to make yoghurt yourself, if you wanna know let me know and I will let you know how. We did it all the time when it was not available in the shop. Love
heya hun!
THnaks for your email:-)
Good to hear all is well....So, what new camera did you buy? loveing the pictures:-)
Also, perhaps the price of yogurt may come down since transporting the stuff to the middle of the Pacific will decrease too soon:-) lol! The joys of being int he middle of nowhere...i have discovered that living in England is once again A LOT more expensive in NL. simple vege, milk and bread shopping...£23!
Ok, this may sound crazy, but when is your "summer"? Mid year since you have summer all year round? lol! WWOOFing in New Zealand was amazing so i'm game! go for 2 to 3 weeks just chillin on an island on some farm...sounds like bliss:-) we really need to chat sometime to think about when and where.
hope all is great fun still!
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