From Tree Hugger to National Champion

We just won our first game of a best out of 3 series for national championship. I'm so exited to play and yet scared to death... it would be quite a way to end this year of waterpolo!!! But we still have to win tonight and it is going to be so hard!
17/05/2007 HA! well we did it!
have a look here! IT IS IN DUTCH (Of course I blocked some shots... but they show goals so here they do go in... LOL) My word this was a strange game. We should have won in normal time but the refs kept giving the other team make up chances. We had two players out with 3 personal faults which was quite hard but they lost a couple during ovetime. So when in overtime we had a little fall behind they finally decided to give us the benefit of the doubt (or they just wanted to controll the game, beats me) and we managed to draw again. The other team missed two penalties.. (missed the goal entirely) so I didn't have that much to do (yeah right!) and we won! I'm soooooo stoked! Then we went back to Nijverdal and had a really fun party... trying to wake up the entire town -who really all should have been in bed early because there was church in the morning- went to bed at 6am and well...
Britt had never seen so many of these seed pods together and didn't know they came from dandelions so that was quite the experience.
On our way back we stood on the bridge and waves at truckdrivers (this I believe is a very good thing to do if you even need some self confidence haha! We had a very good laugh!) Had dinner at the most amazing restaurant and being very hungry and having banana beer to start with this was quite a laugh too! It was delicious though!
Quote: "It's never just a game whe you are winning." George Carlin
Music: Zuca 143, Nunca Mais (Never Again)
Labels: dandelions waterpolo national championships champion sport win party
tot mails ;)
well congrats on winning. even though it was against me! nah whatever. i bet if you an i had a showdown it would have been crazy.
woohoo waving at truck drivers. what more can you ask for in life? haha
see ya later when we are dining w banana beer ;)
Hey! Congratulations :D This is boding well for the olympics :P
And you seem to be getting more comfortable with photos :D If you ever feel like being on some more, combined with a nice walk anywhere, you know where to find me :]
Hey Meike, please email me. I want to talk to you about something.
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