In Search Of...
Where we went???
Well right below the earth where the secrets lie ;)
I used to go there as a kid when we just moved over here, went back a couple years after and went back again now. I must say it has changed, but not much more than I have. It became smaller and less easy accessable, I became taller and a little less flexible. The area now has barbed wire spanning the perimeter, I guess they don't want you to go there anymore, so that makes it all the more fun! It is a bit of a mission to get inside, but it also makes for some interesting situations, and down there is a place for lots of fantastic dreams and fantasy scapes!

Quote: "Bombing for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity"
Listening to: Gare du Nord, Beautiful Day
Amazing, visiting the memories of your 'childhood' (or at least your early teens ;D) and seeing that, actually, nothing really changes that much at all.
Like a good friendship, some things remain and endure the test of time quite well :)
Damn, corny alert! :x
so i love this. i love that i was there and i totally know what you are talking about.
randomness is a way of life. we should make some stickers.
oh yeah that quote is so awesome. i just can't get enough of it. we should graffti it somewhere. lets ask your brother for some spray paint and stuff! adventure #3005 for brittany and meike!
I'm soooo gonna tell on you :P
Oh by the way, I stumbled upon this one and thought it would fit this 'topic':
"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake."
It is not only the living who are killed in war - Isaac Asimov.
Awesome. You have a way of saying things that is just perfect. This was my favorite pictures (Props Britt). Anyway, you guys should live it up more.
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