Just gotback from our first road trip, San Hose and Stanford, 10 games in 11 days. We lost an important conference game (we were up 7-2 and lost in overtime and we beat them by about that much in the tournament but that didn't really count), and we upset UCLA which is big. Coaching really doesn't do much for me. I understand my coaches a little better, and realise this is something I can do but not something I particularly enjoy. i.e.: I can tell people what needs tobe said and I can figure out ways to get to someone in a game. However I remember what it is like to be in there too (want to get in sometimes) and am young and not set in my ways (up to a certain point LOL wait till you cross that boundary) and I can be felxible and I believe everyone can grow, I guess you need this quality as a coach and I'm sure I wouldnlt judge harshly enough if I had to select a team but can we stop judging each other? Ah! Womans!!!
I have very much enjoyed watching Ryan play. A girl who had never really played polo untill uni in hawaii. She still goofs sometimes but she is still discovering and getting better! It is just great to watch people grow.
Now I'm home and I really want to just relax, enjoy the house and the fact that I am in charge of my own time. I really like structure... and I do not mean that I need my entire week planned, but I think that if you want a team to perform they need to know when they can get food, when they can study and when it is time to sleep.
I think they need to know (as do I) what time the game is tomorrow AND the day after and weather we need to bring food home from the store as the next hotel does not have complementary breakfast! And I need to not be called to my coach's room in a hurry half an hour before I need to drop someone off at the pool to video the game just to be told that as he had only just thought of it while we had agreed to meet that half hour later at the car. MY WORD!!! I like being in charge of my own time!!!
Had a fun night out the last night with some of the "older" girls. Two of which didn't enjoy it as much in the morning... Now I just wish I didn't have to leave again in a week... hm.
Music: M.I.A.: Paper Planes
Quote: “You are only as good as the coach thinks you are.” -Brian Williams
Ah, woman in skirts... Nice pictures and well done beating UCLA. Must have felt like them Yanks in Beijing, ha ha ha we are the best we are going teach you a lesson you midgets and lo and behold there are the Wahines who nicely wrap them up, put a ribbon around the lot and send them home. LOL. Here spring is slow in coming, wet snow, night frost. No news from Iran. Love Daddy
:O whasdaallabout?
if you wanna have the full eddie vedder soundtrack lemme know!!
(he's the leadsinger in pearl case you didn't know yet) :P
and nice song indeed ;)
hug, lilbro
Why didn't u call? It's a 2.5hrs train ride and I would've like to cheer at the UCLA pool for our HI teem. They say Univ of San Diego has also an awesome pool. Are u coming?
NOTE: Do tell me when u pass by Southern California, ok?!?! I'll make it!
I wanted to make sure that this country is also on your map. ethiopia did not work, so it wil have to be Iran then. Arrived last night after an awful flight. Details will follow.
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