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Feel Better!

Zo ken ik je weer :p

Proud to be ya big sis :)But send me the Seekers tabs sometime! P.s.: nice guitar!

Thit means there was another freak with a Camera! Mom! Run! :p
NEway, Hanna en Jaco, thanks soo much for the pictures! They were awesome! Hanna it must have been an awesome day!
Inge, Dirk, having mail from the two of you made my day! I got up at 5:30 to finish writing my essay and your timing could not have been better! Had practice after that! essay due at 12 and I had spent too much time doing art before.. priorities! (For those who are interested, I updated my Art Attack Gallery (link on the right (the non-fantasy art))
And I promise! mail for everyone soon and feel free to harass me if I don't send you any.
Now I am officially catching up some sleep!
Music: Phantom of the Opera
Quote: Je leert nergens je vaderland zo goed kennen als in den vreemde...
Whoa, hey! Since when do I get mentioned on people's websites? (below post on blue-face Bible study) You really need to get Facebook, as there's a group on there just for us blue-faced people (or should-be's, like me) Happy studying for finals & hope to see you sometime before break!
Heij Dear.
Just wondering if you were invited to join the sports gala in the netherlands. If so, could you give me a note. I might be able to work there and see you for a minute or so...
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