Where did my weekend go?! (edit: with extra pictures! and some more html which I hope no one sees because then I messed up!)
The usual saturday morning workout, with a new little something. Long Jumps. Ever heard of them? well I sure hadn't and am now trying very hard to forget about them except for the part that I can't stand up from my bed or my schoolbench or the toilet for that matter, for the pain in my legs. And I have dryland today, I can't even walk! how am I supposed to run or do squats?! Oh well.. after workout I lay out in the sun for about an hour with Danielle (the third goalie), Ryan (Our new world class center forward to be) and Tamera (the girl who seems shy but is actually a lot of fun!, also new this semester) Then went to Jamie and Malia's house for a real American breakfast, the whle team was invited.
After that I went home got changed and jumped on my bicycle. I'm now a safe driver because I got a front and back light, and a pump becauseI have a flat! Arghhhh!
Did the rest of the needed shopping, had a whole backpack full! raced home, changed again, and went back to the pool, cause we weere setting up for the mens games (still not sure why we were doing that) but oh well, then I helped out with some individual practice because they needed a goalie as they were being taped so they could see how to improve, watched the rest of the game and then went back to my dorm again. Yup, changed again and went out to the Frech BBQ.

Amy came later and Kezia and Alyssa came too! the more the merrier! they were not going to stay very long though because they were tired.. 9:30 max. They left at 00:00 what happened to 9:30 Amy?! Glad they all had a good time though! Amy did some fire throwing and surpirised us with a little bit of talent there, Kezia was haloed (and moved a few french hearts, tres mignonne!)and Alyssa was just a little more carfull, at least she kept my hair from cathcing fire!
I went home a 2:30, what happened to needing sleep I dunno, but I had a great time! Had some great talks and laughs with people and a fight with Arno (I miss my little bro who I still have a chance at beating, I think) and had some french chocolate and wine (which reminds me that choclate here is just not like that in Europe)

Jeremy, Arno et Cyril avec MiniPotam (sur le CocaCola) mangent le dernier Chocolat Francias
Woke up at 9:00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See I can sleep in! LOL and was called up 5 minutes after that by Britney (on our waterpolo team) If I could please help out with a athlete car wash because all the girls that promised to go had turned down last minute. We needed 20 people tp start so sure.. I threw on some clothes stuffed sandwitch in my mouth and went outside where Britt was already waiting. Think I spent about 2 hours washing cars. Very much fun, but quite hard work! got nice and wet and met a few cool people. Britt had to work though and so we left a little early and she dropped me off.
Had some lunch with Amy and then went for the Beach. Yes acrobatics again, with Kezia this time, who is about half my size and weight and who went up just a tad bit easier. we tried to get the two of us up but it dind't work, YET! Amy's has been taking pictures so those will show up sometime. I brought a waterpolo ball and we spent quite some time playing around with that as well, till about half of them frenchies needed some rest. Cyril and Aurelien and I messed around a bit longer, and they are now both picking up on throwing waterpolo balls around with quit some power behind it, just need to teach em decent eggbeater. It's strange how men just pick up on that more easily than girls do...
From there the four of us went to tha actual acrobatic practice and had a great evening, there was this guy, sorry I fogot his name, who really taught us a lot! Alot of balance tricks and how to fly :) I also messed aorund with some poi, but that didnlt seem to get the priority tonight alhough there wasa girl named Phoenix who apart from Eva, taught me some more af that as well! I need to practice, they both look so incredibly gracious, WOW!
The result fo acrobatics was this:

I had my hands loose and done quite a bit of flying after this, on my back and front. Did some kind of handstand on someone's back and a very interesting balance manouver with Phoenix. Great night! When everynody had trickled out we went for dinner (just the four of us) and it was realy nice, had some vietnamese springrolls and in my attempt to eat them with sticks in some well mannered fashion I ended up being the last to finish. Maybe I talked too much, that could be it too, that's what you get if you have good company.
Flew home on my bike after, accompanied by a very well mannered frenchman. Thankyou Cyril I feel like such a lady :)
Now, after getting another hour of sleep I'm having a pain killer because I need to practice and am already dreading getting up form my chair! Yes! I love Sports
Music for the day: Elvis Presley, Return to Sender
The usual saturday morning workout, with a new little something. Long Jumps. Ever heard of them? well I sure hadn't and am now trying very hard to forget about them except for the part that I can't stand up from my bed or my schoolbench or the toilet for that matter, for the pain in my legs. And I have dryland today, I can't even walk! how am I supposed to run or do squats?! Oh well.. after workout I lay out in the sun for about an hour with Danielle (the third goalie), Ryan (Our new world class center forward to be) and Tamera (the girl who seems shy but is actually a lot of fun!, also new this semester) Then went to Jamie and Malia's house for a real American breakfast, the whle team was invited.
After that I went home got changed and jumped on my bicycle. I'm now a safe driver because I got a front and back light, and a pump becauseI have a flat! Arghhhh!
Did the rest of the needed shopping, had a whole backpack full! raced home, changed again, and went back to the pool, cause we weere setting up for the mens games (still not sure why we were doing that) but oh well, then I helped out with some individual practice because they needed a goalie as they were being taped so they could see how to improve, watched the rest of the game and then went back to my dorm again. Yup, changed again and went out to the Frech BBQ.

I went home a 2:30, what happened to needing sleep I dunno, but I had a great time! Had some great talks and laughs with people and a fight with Arno (I miss my little bro who I still have a chance at beating, I think) and had some french chocolate and wine (which reminds me that choclate here is just not like that in Europe)

Jeremy, Arno et Cyril avec MiniPotam (sur le CocaCola) mangent le dernier Chocolat Francias
Woke up at 9:00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See I can sleep in! LOL and was called up 5 minutes after that by Britney (on our waterpolo team) If I could please help out with a athlete car wash because all the girls that promised to go had turned down last minute. We needed 20 people tp start so sure.. I threw on some clothes stuffed sandwitch in my mouth and went outside where Britt was already waiting. Think I spent about 2 hours washing cars. Very much fun, but quite hard work! got nice and wet and met a few cool people. Britt had to work though and so we left a little early and she dropped me off.
Had some lunch with Amy and then went for the Beach. Yes acrobatics again, with Kezia this time, who is about half my size and weight and who went up just a tad bit easier. we tried to get the two of us up but it dind't work, YET! Amy's has been taking pictures so those will show up sometime. I brought a waterpolo ball and we spent quite some time playing around with that as well, till about half of them frenchies needed some rest. Cyril and Aurelien and I messed around a bit longer, and they are now both picking up on throwing waterpolo balls around with quit some power behind it, just need to teach em decent eggbeater. It's strange how men just pick up on that more easily than girls do...
From there the four of us went to tha actual acrobatic practice and had a great evening, there was this guy, sorry I fogot his name, who really taught us a lot! Alot of balance tricks and how to fly :) I also messed aorund with some poi, but that didnlt seem to get the priority tonight alhough there wasa girl named Phoenix who apart from Eva, taught me some more af that as well! I need to practice, they both look so incredibly gracious, WOW!
The result fo acrobatics was this:

I had my hands loose and done quite a bit of flying after this, on my back and front. Did some kind of handstand on someone's back and a very interesting balance manouver with Phoenix. Great night! When everynody had trickled out we went for dinner (just the four of us) and it was realy nice, had some vietnamese springrolls and in my attempt to eat them with sticks in some well mannered fashion I ended up being the last to finish. Maybe I talked too much, that could be it too, that's what you get if you have good company.
Flew home on my bike after, accompanied by a very well mannered frenchman. Thankyou Cyril I feel like such a lady :)
Now, after getting another hour of sleep I'm having a pain killer because I need to practice and am already dreading getting up form my chair! Yes! I love Sports
Music for the day: Elvis Presley, Return to Sender
Hi, I'd have accompanied you to your place if I wasn't that tired :s (but since Cyril (number 2) bring you home, I thought "oh ok, then I'm going to sleep ...")
Btw , it'd be funnier if you gave some names about this : "and moved a few french hearts, tres mignon!"
So i don't understand english, i only will understand what i want.
Donc continuons en francais :-p, lol it's a joke.
Hum i am not like cyril , i don't want name but i prefere understand what mean the "tres mignon!" at the end. (i want the idee and not a translation).
PS: send my apologies to Amy for saturday night. I thinks she doesn't like me now.
haha wat een grappige fotow van jouw!! Je wordt nog een arobic kunst iets;) haha! Je hebt echt lol daar he:) echt leuk om al die verhalen te lezen!
Ik ben onderhand druk bezig in me nieuwe kamer, het wordt echt heel erg gaaf. 2 muren worden blauw, zeg maar hemelsblauw en de andere 2 wit, me venster wordt heel licht groen net als me deur!! haha ik zie der echt niet als ik daar vandaan kom:P
Jaja ik ben bijna geen klein meisje meer:p zaterdag 17:D jeej:P hahah mar goe ik ga naar bed, kheb vakantie maar moet tog telkens vroeg opstaan dus..
Heel veel plezier daar nog!!
xxx Ilse
Cool picture! Need to take some pictures here too soon. In the end I didn't stay in the sun too long becuase boy was it hot! Been in bloody Europe too long! LOL! It was only 27 degrees and I thought I was melting!
As for those e-tickets...I don't know. That's what the travel agent told me, but they may have been covering their asses for their most stupid mistake! But at least I still get to see you soon(ish)!!! yey!
Have fun learning more French (which seems to be the case already! lol!) and carry on having so much fun! (makes me think of my student days too...and boy does that make me sound OLD!)
To Cyril : It was "Tres mignonne" not "Tres mignon" ;) She was talking about Kezia...
And To Meike : I'm so upset you mispelled my name :'(. So It's never too late, I'll give you an another chance :P... More seriously, this was a very good BBQ, and I'm very glad that everybody enjoyed it. Ready for the next time ? ^^
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