Monday, December 19, 2005

First things First

So I arrived in Calgary... don't ask how, I hardly know:
somehow I must have miscommunicuated with Ief who was going to drop me off at the airport. I ended up getting a ride with some people I had met but didn't know very well at all. I was slightly on the late side and this lady found my bag was too heavy (I should have figured with the christmas presents adn two pineapples) so I'd either have to pay $30 or pack half in a box she gave me.. the result: one really badly, half full, packed cardboard box which looked like it had already made the trip and a half empty suitcase. Ready to sprint the line for checking hand luggage was enormous! I talked my way about half way through and then I stopped trying because I just felt really embarresed. Of course my ticket had a row of ssss' printed on it which, for the non-travelers amongst you, means that you get an extra check up, as in you laptop gets tesetd on drugs (hey I'm Dutch) and basically they pour the contents of your bag out! Then I sprinted to the gate and they intercommed me to the plain. Ms. de Nooy has arrived! Seriously! That is SOOOOOOOOO emberassing, and then walking down the isle having evrybody look at you! (might have contributed that I hit my head int eh bottom of the telivision screen)
I had two stopovers, for the first I had 25 mninutes to get to my gate.. just made it. The seond I had exactly 10 minutes.. made it with one minute to spare but it was delyaed (It was overbooked) so we sat around for about an hour!

Bart and Lucas picked me up! So good to be here! Justin was taking a nap and Megan had been sick and was at home. Lucas is still very huggable, in need of consatnt attention but very sweet. Justin is very much on his own and only occaisonally needs a little attention. He needed about 10 minutes to warm up to me, cleverly hiding behind a printout of thomas the tank engine behind which he hid :) grins, but guess what, I brought "my friend seal" and he still had "his friend seal" too (our stuffed animals) so once the seals where reacquianted all was well! Seems to have left Bart and Megan quiet impressed. But then hey! They're my cousins and they are most adorable! (pictures asap)

Went to see the Calgary Flames with Bart. Wasn't very sure how I would like it but it turned out great! the first quarter there was three goals and I nearly jumped of my chair with excitement (I don't even get that excited over waterpolo games!) and then for the rest it became a bit slow cause they were just holding the lead and not scoring anymore. I think I'm most fascinated by how gracious the movement is. Me and Bart were both wearing a flames shirt (like I said, pictures asap) and I think I consumer more Coca cola than I have in the past year :) Yum and fun!

For the rest so much is happening that I can't really tell it all. I'll post the major scenes and happenings and the rest well, tough luck. It is incredible to be here, and I'm sure I'll repeat myself on that.

Finally I'm reading this book ont he Psychology of art.. it uses word that have me runnning for a dictionary every other page at least, but it makes sense somehow and it proves to me that have acquire some basic knowledge. A year ago this book would have left me flabberghasted or I probably would not have brought it home form the library to start with! But it's cool!

Now is bedtime... Jetlag catch up time.. oogjes toe en snalveltjes dicht.

Music: The silence of winter and living in a quiet area.. soooo nice!
Quote: "Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had that once, running over the tarmac in Dakar because the plane from Bobo was late and I had to get my connection to Paris. You can (could?) do that only in Africa I think. Fortunately I was not too obvious as the last passenger was just going in. Still lucky that all your luggage made it to Calgary too. And I do agree that planes are constructed for rather short people, Tv screens are too low, seatbacks as well, legspace is utterly minimal. Flying is no fun.
I think that you already qualify as a child psychologist by bringing your friend seal along to connect again to your youngest cousin.
Say hi to all the family over there and don't catch a cold.
Enjoy the change of climate.
Merry Christmas.


12/19/2005 3:28 pm  

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