Monday, May 08, 2006

8pm Matinee

I was supposed to go see this dance performance of a guy in my class. Was really looking forward to it and would meet up with some friends at the building. Well yeah..
It was a Sunday matinee show at 8pm. Somewhere you'd think that would set of a bell ringing. But no.
I have spoken to some people about it and no-one else oviously seemed to think it odd (or they wern;t really listening which is always another possibility)
So I simply walked off about an hour ago to the Kennedy Theater where nearby I would find another building where the performance would be. (as was explained to me)
With my kinda luck I thought I'd find it when I got there. Tough Luck. I asked around but no-one knew of the dance show (It doesn't seem to be very common for people to go watch if they are not somehow involved ie-parents, friends, dancers) So I trodded off in the direction of the Art building, which also has an auditorium where it could possibly be held and hoping if ti was there that I was still on time because they don't let you in late.

You know campusses at night have a very different setting, with long shadows and dim lights The Art building has a center building with bamboo around it that waves in the wind and the smell of.. hmmm
The setting was all right and the Art seniors seemed to be having an early party there..
I asked about the performance (and for once felt rather normally dressed (they all out-did me))
And I got redirected to a smokey room where I got pointed out a guy in the back with a cap on that did the lighting for those shows (I was like huh?? shouldn't he be at the show then? but I let it go as they seemed slightly drunk, or high on God knows what)
So I waded thought the sea of people, some eyeing me suspiciously (no I did not fit in with this crowd) and found the guy in the back, introduced myself and asked him for the whereabouts of the performance.
He said: oh yeah that was in that building, but that was at 2pm today, it was the matinee show.. were you going to see a friend?
I nodded, wanting to kick myself for the my stupidity.
"what's his name?"
I look at him questioningly and said: "Morgan?"
He goes: "Oh yeah, nice guy, he's the first one who layed me when I came to Hawai'i"
and somehow I was sure he didn't mean getting a lei of flowers around his neck at arriving at the airport.

And that was really just what I wanted to know. I felt like a bloody fool standing there in the dark of campus with a bunch of high artists. They half convincedly tried to make me stay and for a moment I felt like just giving in, but I walked back, laughing at myself and probably freaking some people on campus out that looked at me (because somehow I attracted looks a lot lately) and got rewarded with a big grin.
I'm back in my room now, I'll go do some studying..

Quote: "I have nothing to declare exept my genius" -Oscar Wilde


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to me that, considering the subjects you take at school, you'd be perfectly set to handle the situation.Don't tell me this was your first experience with artists as a group!



5/08/2006 9:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seems you had quite a special 'matinee' after all- i could just see you walking around there! great! admire U!

5/08/2006 11:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahaha I know exactly how you mean. I worked at a mucicals show for the last week and half of the ballet was gay (the other half were girls). We were warned not to go to the dressing rooms between the matinee and the evening show because sometimes they well... got bored and started entertaining each other.
I worked there two years ago and one of the guys said through his telephone: Well of course I shaved my ass for you sweety.
5 minutes before dinner.... Had no dinner. somehow you start appreciating the technical guys at such a production a lot more.
Even when they are drewling over the female dancers....
Zucht mannen......:D
gr Jorien

5/16/2006 9:59 pm  

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