Venice Vidi Vici

It al started off with me sitting on Dusseldorf airport quite relaxed waiting for my team. However after a couple of textmesaages telling me they just arrived and were also looking for the gate and would contact me when they knew but me not seeing any of them, I started worrying. However I didn't want to seem inpatient so didn't call... no reply to my text, no flights that went to Italy... I finally get a call asking me where I am...
Turns out we all started off at the wrong airport (Dusseldorf Weeze not Dusseldorf) and when they realised they rushed on to make it in time and forgot to inform me. I guess that is what you get for travelling on your own. So I missed the flight. Drove back home, took a train to Amsterdam, stayed over at a teammates dad's house and hopped on a plain the next morning, gameday.
We had some serious issues starting up and when we finally decided to play up to par we were a little late. We drew in the 3d quarter but lost due to having a lot of people with 3 personal faults -which get excluded form further playing-. On the brigt side I did block two penalties. We ended up losing with 3 goals.
This means we will have to win by 4 goals this weekend. Possible (and neccessary of we want to play euro-cup finals) but definitely not easy!

The day after our game we got to wander around Venice. A place I had always wanted to go and now, without even expecting it we had a whole 4 hours to spend there. I must say it is not easy to find your way trhough this maze of little streets and waterways, but definitely quite the adventure! Was good fun to hang out with our team somewhat more then just in the pool as well. See them from a different side and enjoy the good weather with them. Another place I need to have some more time to hang out!
Labels: Venice Euro-Cup waterpolo mask boats flight plain miss travel
That mask is über.
Venice. Always think about romance when I think of that place :)
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