Nose Hill
So occasionally I can steal bandwidth of someones wireless internet connection, today it doesn't allow pictures, I'll keep trying, I did manage to load them on ringo's so if you are curious!
Things seem to come together, I think as my body gets a rest it decided it would let go of evrything it has been holding back. I've been to the chiropractor twice now and had a massage which left bruises on my back, and it helps but my neck is still cramping. At least I can look in the mirrir and see that my shoulders have aligned again. Typical, and it looks like this time I might really get sick. So I'm taking my vitamins and hoping.. cause this is not the time! The plain ride and the extremely dry air here probably doesn' t help. Yeah Yeah, I know, I'm whining. I'll be better!
Went for a walk with Lucas today, or actually, he cycled on his bicycle that he got for his Birthday, and I walked up to nose hill.. I'd have liked to go further but seeing as Lucas was tired and not so much the exploring type (I was barely allowed to take a different road back which turned out to be a major shortcut) we turned around. It is beautiful out there, the Chinook wind (warm wind) that has just come in melted all the snow and pushed all the clouds back and creates the most breath taking sunsets. So it is a little warmer now (4C) I dare venture outside! :)
I've done some cooking which is majorly appreciated. Great, because I really miss cooking while in Hawaii! Basically I spend my time entertaining one of my cousins or Bart :p my Uncle. It is great to have so much in common with someone! Whoa! and well I suppose we think in the same direction about a lot of things. I get to put Justin and Lucas to bed sometimes, and read them stories... I'm great for causing delays in bed time, but sure I'll come give ya a kiss!
On a different note: we now officially have a new coach for the National team. Robin van Galen. He is, or was up till now, the mens coach. So.. I hope to hear from him soon. Am curious but not convinced yet. We'll see!
Shall now go and write in my journal, you know, the old fashioned paper one? And then go dream! hmmm
Music: Lulleby Baby Blues, Keb Mo
Quote: "Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." -Edgar Allan Poe
Things seem to come together, I think as my body gets a rest it decided it would let go of evrything it has been holding back. I've been to the chiropractor twice now and had a massage which left bruises on my back, and it helps but my neck is still cramping. At least I can look in the mirrir and see that my shoulders have aligned again. Typical, and it looks like this time I might really get sick. So I'm taking my vitamins and hoping.. cause this is not the time! The plain ride and the extremely dry air here probably doesn' t help. Yeah Yeah, I know, I'm whining. I'll be better!
Went for a walk with Lucas today, or actually, he cycled on his bicycle that he got for his Birthday, and I walked up to nose hill.. I'd have liked to go further but seeing as Lucas was tired and not so much the exploring type (I was barely allowed to take a different road back which turned out to be a major shortcut) we turned around. It is beautiful out there, the Chinook wind (warm wind) that has just come in melted all the snow and pushed all the clouds back and creates the most breath taking sunsets. So it is a little warmer now (4C) I dare venture outside! :)
I've done some cooking which is majorly appreciated. Great, because I really miss cooking while in Hawaii! Basically I spend my time entertaining one of my cousins or Bart :p my Uncle. It is great to have so much in common with someone! Whoa! and well I suppose we think in the same direction about a lot of things. I get to put Justin and Lucas to bed sometimes, and read them stories... I'm great for causing delays in bed time, but sure I'll come give ya a kiss!
On a different note: we now officially have a new coach for the National team. Robin van Galen. He is, or was up till now, the mens coach. So.. I hope to hear from him soon. Am curious but not convinced yet. We'll see!
Shall now go and write in my journal, you know, the old fashioned paper one? And then go dream! hmmm
Music: Lulleby Baby Blues, Keb Mo
Quote: "Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." -Edgar Allan Poe
Heej meike,
Merry Christmas and a happy NEW year!! Hope you're doing fine and having a great time in canada!!
Hope to speak to ya soon, and enjoy your vacation!!!
XxX Ilse
Van je familie moet je het maar hebben.... Joost is sick as well but goes to school to finish his art assignment. May be the fact that holiday is finally there and you can relax makes all your ills and other inconveniences pop up. Would unaligned shoulders be the result of some acrobatics on Waikiki beach? :p
Last time we walked the Noose park I took some rosehips of the Alberta rose back to Renkum. There are two small roseplants trying to survive the rabbit who has an unexpected preference for those plants I'd rather like her not to touch. What to do? Enjoy the family, send us some more pics and merry Christmas to you all.
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