Friday, July 14, 2006


Just because I always get to hear: "Dutch people and their bicycles!!!"
Well I was wandering around Amsterdam (yes this place is in the Netherlands) and found that there were even more bicycles here. I mean you donlt have a choice because driving there is really not an option!
You take the Tram (a mix between a bus and a train) a boat, or yes, you guessed right, a bicycle.
The parking is not really a problem either because even if it was not allowed, they do not really have the ability to move that many bicycles. (I think)

Having cycled a lot (on my brothers bicycle) since I came here, I realise how well the facilties are here.. and how easy it is to get from A to B by bike.

Music: Maria Mena, Just Hold Me
Quote: "Of all the things to believe in, why not believe in yourself?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there any way I can turn the sound off on your site? Cos it is driving me crazy! I open blogs I read in tabs in firefox, and as soon as yours loads up it starts interfering with whatever music I have playing....

7/18/2006 12:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it to !!
It was really fun to go around Hawaii by bycicle :)

8/03/2006 11:35 am  

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