Friday, March 17, 2006

Little Updates

Special day (16th): Happy Birthday Pap! *Hugz*
USC scrimmage: didn't have so much fun in a while! My word are my legs dead.. but I like feeling muscle Ache instead of only my knees...
Dance performance: was planning on going anyway but a guy in my class who was performing in it had some free tickets for the preview! YEAH! (picture on the left). He was pretty good too! It was really nice and relaxing watching dance and listening to music. Very much fun!
Picture: I was in the newspaper and got told so by the girl fromt he Starbucks who recognised me. LOL Funny! (Does that mean I drink too much coffee?)
I'm being productive: Got up at 7 and finished reading Death of a Salesman and borrowed a documentary form the Library I had missed while on the road and needed to catch up and started my reaction essay.. Maybe I can start studying too.. LOL
Bible Study: I led one!! I wasn't sure if it was a good idea at first because there is a difference between sitting in and being an interested listener or saying something meaningfull about it. Come to know me, I don't like to talk in front of people much so: I had them draw how they saw God, what they associated with Him and anything else that they wanted out.. and then explain it to the rest of the group. It was so much fun painting/drawing etc.. and everyone drew so much in their own style! I was absolutely overexcited. Thanks girls! ( I still need ot finish mine because I was distracted by the amount of people working so concentrated.. I just had to watch. (and make a blurry picture.)
Thought: Is religion merely a way to be able to contain the unfathomable? To make tangible what is beyond the human mind? If the Hero Myth is contained in all religions and myths and legends, if it represents a journey inward, then (and I have asked the world in general this before) why do people need to get so hyped up about it?

Quote: Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.
Albert Einstein
Music: Norah Jones, Don't Know Why


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you as I think you are quite right about religion '( the latin re- liger meaning re-connecting) being a worldwide experienced way towards enlightenment, a dis-covering of your inner self in relation to ( connecting!) the cosmic presence/ nature / morphic fields etc;
The problem that people get so hyped up about is not so much religion, as the difference in religious practice/ churches etc, as they have maed rules and regulations as to how to work your way towards the enlightenment (i.e.thou shalt not ....)
another example is prayer: might that have been a meditation in the olden days? misunderstood and 'regulated' into what it has become today, saying aloud the 'our father, .. ?

3/19/2006 11:28 pm  

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