Very relaxed weekend, got slightly lobster red at the beach, made Indian Currie for some people before going opff to see a movie (Illusions) and eating a bucket of Ben and Jerry's.. oh and maybe I conveniently skipped getting slightly drunk on friday night at Indigo's in China town; hum.
Today was the best though! I spent the entire day doing art! After waking up, I had some random Sunday morning time. When I went to meet Maxi I had the most random conversation with this random guy who decided he wanted to talk to me, which was quite interesting actually. He was a Law Student and had just come to Hawai'i.
Then at the Sunday morning art session (models come in to draw and you pay four bucks and get to draw differenmt poses all day with a whole bunch of people) some people who had seen me doing art abnd had told me to come previously were excited to see me and came to look at what I was doing. I had some cool conversations:
1. This lady I already met last year who is always full of good advice (sometimes more that you can take)
2. Some random guy who found my artwork masterly (hrmpf that was too obvious!)
3. This really old Guy who happens to be Indonesian and who makes the most amazing watercolour pieces. We talked Indonesia, the Netherlands (he could count till ten in Dutch), art, and he is gonna take me and Maxi there. Awesome!
4. The lady who runs the place asking if I wanted to model sometime!!! I do not need a social security number, it is on Sundays = no waterpolo, it pays bloody awesome :) and hrm yeah, it is waht you think, it is nude modeling LOL but I guess coming from Dutch-land that shouldn't bother me (or so everyone seems to think). It will only be in November, but still it should be interesting and they like artists as they presumably know interesting poses to draw. Hrm. We'll see.
You're wondering if I did anything besides talk? Here's the collection:
For the rest I did some required work on a bigger piece that I'm sure will show up here at some point.
Ill upload a bigger version of the left part on Art Attack (see links on the right) It was really good fun!
The Bonus was the art gallery opening downstairs where all the teachers of our department show their work this month. Grand opening with some delicious food: Hommos, crab salad, guacamole toast home made iced tea, brownies mochi and pineapple grapes melon and other goodies! So that was out lunch.
The art was pretty cool to see, my last years life drawing teacher was there and he came up to do some draing too and commented that my work was looking well but that I should start abit larger next time. (He's right of course (about the larger thing)) he sat down next to me, whipped up the same image that I had only he took 40 minutes to my hour and then left again. Random people, but all good fun! I guess artists have an unspoken bond or something LOL but it made for a great day!
Song: Nous Sommes Deux, George Moustaki
Quote: "It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating." -Oscar Wilde (what can I say?)